Our Quality Management System is designed to deliver high quality for every single project, big or small. Selecting a translator for your assignment is the first and most crucial step in the translation process. The ideal translator-assignment pair is imperative to achieve the desired quality and we perform this selection very carefully. If a paper deals with neurosurgery, then a translator who is an expert in medicine or surgery will not suffice. He needs to be an expert in neurosurgery. Identifying the subject area the document belongs to and selecting the translator who has specialized knowledge in this subject area secures a good beginning.
Training and Development of Translators
Our translators undergo training and development and are regularly graded based on performance. The QMS has a rigorous, well-established system to evaluate their performance and certify them, ensuring that quality standards are not compromised. Constructive feedback and guidelines are passed on to translators who have not performed according to our benchmarks, thus contributing to their professional development and improvement in translation quality. Performance reports are shared on a monthly basis and assignment specific comments and guidelines provide them with contextually relevant feedback.
Client Delight
With a low client complaint rate of 0.45%, our clients hardly ever come back dissatisfied. However, to ensure client satisfaction even after the assignment has been completed and delivered, we have in place a systematic after sales support system that resolves clients’ questions, revising documents, and providing re-translations at no extra cost.
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(86) 137-1457-9223 (Beijing time:8:00-19:00) E-mail : fanyi100@vip.qq.com |